Kamis, Desember 13, 2018

Indonesian Coffee from Jambi Sold to an Independent Cafe in Washington

Posted by Sahabat Andalas on Kamis, Desember 13, 2018 in | No comments
Sumber: www.comunicaffe.com
Kerinci coffee, a variety of Arabica coffee from Jambi, on the east coast of central Sumatra, Indonesia, was sold in Washington DC, capital of the United States, at the Vigilante Coffee Company (VCC), an independent café supporting the green bean buyer mechanism.

Awan Suryo Prasetyo, a buyer partner of the VCC in Indonesia, noted on Monday that they had ordered 18 tons of Kerinci green bean that was purchased directly from the local farmers.

Kerinci Arabica is an indigenous variety of coffee beans grown on the highlands of Jambi Province at 1,400 to 1,700 meters above sea level.

Apart from Arabica, Jambi Province also has Robusta that grows in Merangin District at around 800 meters above sea level and Liberica variety in the peatland area, at a height of 0-100 meters above sea level.

Sumber: www.comunicaffe.com

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